For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on November 4, 2015. — In the eighth of her series of interviews with women who write nonfiction, E.B. Bartels chats with prolific author Patricia Beard. Patricia Beard has written nine books of nonfiction,
In all the insanity of the past two weeks, I completely neglected to mention that the October edition of Non-Fiction by Non-Men went up ten days ago! For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on October 14, 2015. -- In the
Believe it or not, it's already been three months since the last check-in on my 2015 reading challenge, and I must admit that I'm struggling a little over here. As you can see, I'm a few days late posting this––both
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on September 14, 2015. — In the sixth of her series of interviews with women who write nonfiction, E.B. Bartels speaks with bestselling memoirist and opinion writer Jennifer Finney Boylan. Jennifer Finney Boylan’s memoir, She’s
Today was a great day for women who write nonfiction. Not only did Fiction Advocate publish the September edition of Non-Fiction by Non-Men today, featuring my interview with Jennifer Finney Boylan (more on that later), but I also heard Mary Karr speak about her new book The Art of
I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Rebecca Danos for the Wellesley Writes It series on Wellesley Underground! Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on August 8, 2015. -- It is an honor to converse with E.B. Bartels whose work appears extensively in
Today is July 1st, and you know what that means––hot dogs and fireworks are right around the corner, the summer is already a third over, and with the end of the second quarter, it's time for another check-in on my 2015 reading
The Pet Fairies were bad enough. Then I made the mistake of taking the Babysitting Charge to the library, where she discovered that not only is there a Pet Fairies series, but there is also a Music Fairies series and
-- The good news: I will be teaching a writing class at Grub Street this summer! The better news: The class takes place on Wednesday, June 17th from 12:30pm to 1:15pm, right during your lunch break! The best news: The class I am teaching is
Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on June 1, 2015. — In October 2014, E.B. Bartels ‘10 graduated from Columbia University’s School of the Arts with an MFA in creative nonfiction writing. Now she spends most of her time trying to explain to