-- The good news: I will be teaching a writing class at Grub Street this summer! The better news: The class takes place on Wednesday, June 17th from 12:30pm to 1:15pm, right during your lunch break! The best news: The class I am teaching is
Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on June 1, 2015. — In October 2014, E.B. Bartels ‘10 graduated from Columbia University’s School of the Arts with an MFA in creative nonfiction writing. Now she spends most of her time trying to explain to
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on May 21, 2015. — In the second installment of her series of interviews with women who write nonfiction, E.B. Bartels converses with historian and journalist Andie Tucher. Andie Tucher is the author of
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on April 28, 2015. — In the first of her series of interviews with women who write nonfiction, E.B. Bartels speaks with acclaimed biographer Patricia O’Toole. Patricia O’Toole is the author of When
For the full essay, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on April 16, 2015. — I began to seriously question whether or not I want to have kids one Wednesday at 9 p.m. while having my hair checked for lice. I was sitting
Yesterday marked the end of March and, therefore, the end of the first quarter of 2015, and so it seems like a good time to update you on the progress of my New Year's Resolution. In case you forgot: My goal for 2015 is to
Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on March 12, 2015. — -- I used to take pride in the fact that I’m not a big crier. That I consider suppressing emotions a sign of strength is a problem, one that I am––don’t worry––currently working to
My apologies. I haven’t written a Babysitting Book Review in a while because I have been sitting on this one, totally baffled, as, honestly, I just don’t know what to make of it. Enter: Barbie of Swan Lake. Let’s start by setting
For the full essay, see it on The Butter. Originally published on January 21, 2015. — In college, I was a terrible Russian language and literature major. I never finished reading Crime and Punishment, I still haven’t touched War and Peace, and I
Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on January 9, 2015. — My dearest WZLY, 91.5 FM, Electric Ladyland, I never thought about radio until I met you. I listened to it, sure. When I was a kid, my mom and I would have sing-alongs