Don't worry, everyone: I found YET ANOTHER Brookline Booksmith tote bag of mine while helping my parents clean out closets at their house this weekend. [EDIT] And a further update, as of 3/25/15: I am also now the proud owner of a Bluestockings tote, gifted
Tonight I was going through my bedroom closet a little bit––hoping that if I start spring cleaning then it will actually, finally, officially, forever stop snowing––and I started to make a pile of my various bags because, man, do I
For the full essay, see it on The Butter. Originally published on January 21, 2015. — In college, I was a terrible Russian language and literature major. I never finished reading Crime and Punishment, I still haven’t touched War and Peace, and I
Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on December 10, 2014. — Good nonfiction needs not just the THEN but also the NOW. When a writer tells a story from her past, if the story is really weird or funny or excellent, it
For the full essay (and the drinking game), see it on 20 Something Magazine. Originally published on October 3, 2014. --- Ah, yes, the dreaded internship, something us 20-somethings know all too well. How else does one get experience these days? Gone seems
For the full flash nonfiction piece, see it on Cheap Pop. Originally published on September 16, 2014. --- In the red of night, I float between places. The neon sign across the street fills my dark room with a sharp scarlet light. I
47th Street + 9th Avenue Hey, you, French Bulldog, in your sleeveless black band tee: you are so metal.
Berry Street + North 12th Street Tethered big Bernese – patient, waiting for owner as drunk friends pet you.
Four from my "Haiku for a Dog I Don't Know" series are up on Vitamin W! For the full post, see it on Vitamin W. Originally published on June 9, 2014. ---
The Uptown 1 Train Riding the subway people grin at you. You yawn – a bored New Yorker.