Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on March 12, 2015. — -- I used to take pride in the fact that I’m not a big crier. That I consider suppressing emotions a sign of strength is a problem, one that I am––don’t worry––currently working to
For the full essay, see it on The Butter. Originally published on January 21, 2015. — In college, I was a terrible Russian language and literature major. I never finished reading Crime and Punishment, I still haven’t touched War and Peace, and I
Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on January 9, 2015. — My dearest WZLY, 91.5 FM, Electric Ladyland, I never thought about radio until I met you. I listened to it, sure. When I was a kid, my mom and I would have sing-alongs
In 2014, I read 41 books: 20 by women, 3 by people of color, 2 by women of color, and 4 by people who openly identify as gay or queer. Even though I had grad school professors dictating what I
Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on December 10, 2014. — Good nonfiction needs not just the THEN but also the NOW. When a writer tells a story from her past, if the story is really weird or funny or excellent, it
For the full essay, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on October 20, 2014. --- Good news, feminists! Not all hope is lost! Pick up a copy of this slim book and carry it with you to be reminded that yes, really,
For the full essay, see it on The Rumpus. Originally published on August 18, 2014. --- Let me disclose two things up front. This past year I was an editorial intern at the Frances Goldin Literary Agency, working for, among others, Monica Byrne’s
For the full essay, buy a copy of the anthology The Places We've Been: Field Reports From Travelers Under 35 (The Places We've Been LLC, July 2013). --- As athletes make mix CDs to pump themselves up for games, I have a
For the full essay, see it on Vitamin W. Originally published on November 27, 2013. --- I feel like taking a selfie. I received two rejection emails – for an internship and a fellowship – within ten minutes. Well, onward and upward, I
Post originally appeared on Wellesley Underground on March 8, 2013. --- It’s Women’s History Month, and I love it. I was born a woman, I have lived my whole life as a woman, I come from a family of strong, independent, take-nobody’s-shit