For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on October 22, 2019. — Cameron Dezen Hammon’s writing has appeared in Ecotone, The Rumpus, The Literary Review, The Houston Chronicle, and elsewhere. Her essay “Infirmary Music” was named a notable in The Best American Essays
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on September 24, 2019. — T Kira Madden is a lesbian APIA writer, photographer, and amateur magician living in New York City. She holds an MFA in creative writing from Sarah Lawrence College and serves
The summer is winding down, but don't despair––August's Non-Fiction by Non-Men is a special one, once again featuring my former GrubStreet student, Céillie Clark-Keane, as a guest interviewer, in conversation with Terese Marie Mailhot! Enjoy. For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on July 17, 2019. — Malaka Gharib is a writer and artist and the author of the graphic memoir I Was Their American Dream. She is also a journalist at NPR in Washington, and reports about
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on June 28, 2019. — Audrey Murray is a redhead from Boston who moved to China and became a standup comedian. The co-founder of Kung Fu Komedy, Audrey was named the funniest person in
Shout out and major THANK YOU to Erin Greene who made this interview possible thanks to her CITYterm connections! For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on May 14, 2019. — Mira Jacob is the author and illustrator of Good Talk: A Memoir in
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on April 16, 2019. — Grace Talusan is author of the memoir The Body Papers, winner of the 2017 Restless Books Prize for New Immigrant Writing for Nonfiction. She was born in the Philippines and came to
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on March 26, 2019. — Maya Rao is a journalist and the author of Great American Outpost: Dreamers, Mavericks, and the Making of an Oil Frontier (PublicAffairs, April 2018). In addition, she is a staff writer at the Minneapolis
Happy Valentine's Day! Celebrate your *~*love*~* of nonfiction today with the second Non-Fiction by Non-Men interview of 2019! This one also features one of my former GrubStreet students, Céillie Clark-Keane, as a guest interviewer, in conversation with Alanna Okun! Enjoy. For the full interview, see
Are you wishing you had signed up for The Personal Essay in Progress at GrubStreet? Feeling major regret in your creative writing class choices for 2019? Worrying you'll have FOMO because you're missing so many great workshop discussions about the craft