There are new reading recs by yours truly up today on The Shepherd! This list is for all you parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles and caregivers who need to have hard conversations with little ones about pets dying.
I am thrilled to share I have a new essay published in Off Assignment as part of their Letter to a Stranger series. Read "To the Iditarod Man" here, and also check out my "Behind the Essay" interview for the
Photo by Jonathan Wiggs for The Boston Globe. I am over the moon to have Good Grief: On Loving Pets, Here and Hereafter featured in The Boston Globe: "In new book, local author explores loving and losing our beloved pets." Thank you
The summer 2022 issue of Wellesley magazine is up online now, and your girl is all over it! I got to write a feature story profiling conductor Jeri Lynne Johnson ’93! I had my first ever photo credit with a shot