For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate.Published on May 13, 2021. — Lilly Dancyger is the editor of Burn It Down, a critically acclaimed anthology of essays on women’s anger from Seal Press, and the author of Negative Space, a reported and illustrated memoir selected
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on December 10, 2019. — Cinelle Barnes is a memoirist, essayist, and educator from Manila, Philippines, and is the author of Monsoon Mansion: A Memoir (Little A, 2018) and Malaya: Essays on Freedom (Little A, 2019), and the editor
Shout out and major THANK YOU to Erin Greene who made this interview possible thanks to her CITYterm connections! For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on May 14, 2019. — Mira Jacob is the author and illustrator of Good Talk: A Memoir in
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on December 10, 2018. — Tyrese Coleman is a writer, wife, mother, and lawyer. She is the author of How to Sit: A Memoir in Stories and Essays, published by Mason Jar Press in fall 2018. Coleman