The ninth Non-Fiction about Non-Humans interview is up on Fiction Advocate! Karen Pinchin is the author of Kings of Their Own Ocean: Tuna, Obsession, and the Future of Our Seas. Pinchin is an investigative journalist and trained cook whose work runs in Canadian Geographic, Scientific American, and Hakai Magazine. She
For the full piece, see it in Wellesley Magazine.Published in the winter 2020 issue. — My girl Wanda the betta fish (RIP) finally gets the obituary she deserves in the winter 2020 issue of Wellesley Magazine. Writing this piece for the Endnotes
For the full interview, see it on Full Stop. Published on June 26, 2018. — In a wild turn of events, I spoke with Melissa Broder about what it's like to write (gasp!) fiction. We discussed her new novel, The Pisces, Siri as a writing
For the full essay, see it on The Toast. Originally published on September 24, 2014. --- “Are fish supposed to look like this?” My two roommates appeared by my side, our faces almost touching as we peered into the tank, so close our breath