For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate.Published on June 23, 2021. — Leslie Brody is a creative writing professor, playwright, and biographer. She is the author of Irrepressible, her biography of Jessica Mitford, and Sometimes You Have to Lie, her biography of Louise Fitzhugh, author of Harriet
And so it is 2016, and time to tell you about the 4th and final quarter of my 2015 reading challenge and how the whole thing went. If you've been following me on GoodReads, you already know: I didn't make it.
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on May 21, 2015. — In the second installment of her series of interviews with women who write nonfiction, E.B. Bartels converses with historian and journalist Andie Tucher. Andie Tucher is the author of
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Originally published on April 28, 2015. — In the first of her series of interviews with women who write nonfiction, E.B. Bartels speaks with acclaimed biographer Patricia O’Toole. Patricia O’Toole is the author of When
Judith Thurman spoke about writing nonfiction – specifically biography and literary criticism – at Columbia this past Wednesday, and apparently we were very lucky to hear her since, according to sources, she rarely leaves her house. Ms. Thurman said a