If you are regretting not signing up for my Non-Fiction by Non-Men: Online course at GrubStreet, have no fear! The new class start date is May 1 so you still have plenty of time. Sign up today! Non-Fiction by Non-Men: Learning
It's that time of the year: robins are out, snow is melting, and it's time to sign up for spring and summer classes at GrubStreet! Here's what I am teaching: ----------------------------------- 6 Weeks, 6 Essays (Online) ONLINE, April 17 – May 22 Open
Are you wishing you had signed up for The Personal Essay in Progress at GrubStreet? Feeling major regret in your creative writing class choices for 2019? Worrying you'll have FOMO because you're missing so many great workshop discussions about the craft
Are you working on some essays of your own? Do you need guidance, motivation, deadlines, and/or a workshop of cheerleaders and helpful editors to keep you going? Spots are still available in The Personal Essay in Progress at GrubStreet! Class
For the full interview, see it on Fiction Advocate. Published on May 15, 2017. — Sarah Dickenson Snyder is poet based in Massachusetts and Vermont. She is the author of The Human Contract (Kelsay Books, 2017) and the chapbook Notes From A Nomad (Finishing Line