If you are regretting not signing up for my Non-Fiction by Non-Men: Online course at GrubStreet, have no fear! The new class start date is May 1 so you still have plenty of time. Sign up today! Non-Fiction by Non-Men: Learning
It's that time of the year: robins are out, snow is melting, and it's time to sign up for spring and summer classes at GrubStreet! Here's what I am teaching: ----------------------------------- 6 Weeks, 6 Essays (Online) ONLINE, April 17 – May 22 Open
If you are a writer between the ages of 13-18 and you are looking for something to do in August, then consider signing up for one of GrubStreet's awesome TEEN WRITING CAMPS! Scholarships are available for all classes. In particular, you
If you're looking to take some fun writing classes on creative nonfiction, you're in luck! I am teaching several classes at GrubStreet this spring and summer that I will now proceed to shamelessly plug. ---- Young Adult Writing Program (YAWP): Stranger Than Fiction