The thirteenth Non-Fiction about Non-Humans interview is up on Fiction Advocate! (And my last for a little while as I go on "interview maternity leave.") Rebecca Renner is the author of Gator Country: Deception, Danger, and Alligators in the Everglades, which was named a most anticipated nonfiction book of
The twelfth Non-Fiction about Non-Humans interview is up on Fiction Advocate! Linda Hogan is a Chickasaw poet, essayist, and novelist, who has worked as a volunteer in wildlife and raptor rehabilitation. She is the author of The Radiant Lives of Animals, Dwellings: A Spiritual
The eleventh Non-Fiction about Non-Humans interview is up on Fiction Advocate! Maddalena Bearzi is the author of Stranded: Finding Nature in Uncertain Times and Dolphin Confidential: Confessions of a Field Biologist, and she is the coauthor of Beautiful Minds: The Parallel Lives of Great Apes and Dolphins. Bearzi
The tenth Non-Fiction about Non-Humans interview is up on Fiction Advocate! Rosanna Xia is the author of California Against the Sea, which examines the future of our vanishing coastline in the face of rising water. She is also an environment reporter for the Los Angeles Times, where