I wrote about my goal to read 50 books by women in 2015 for Wellesley Underground! Not only did I write about my experience, but I also some how managed to list my TOP TWELVE FAVORITE BOOKS that I read last year. Need some reading
Today is July 1st, and you know what that means––hot dogs and fireworks are right around the corner, the summer is already a third over, and with the end of the second quarter, it's time for another check-in on my 2015 reading
Yesterday marked the end of March and, therefore, the end of the first quarter of 2015, and so it seems like a good time to update you on the progress of my New Year's Resolution. In case you forgot: My goal for 2015 is to
In 2014, I read 41 books: 20 by women, 3 by people of color, 2 by women of color, and 4 by people who openly identify as gay or queer. Even though I had grad school professors dictating what I
REALLY EXCITED JUST SPENT ALL OF MY HOLIDAY/GRADUATION AMAZON/BARNES & NOBLE GIFT CARDS ON 12 BOOKS BY WOMEN: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie The Boys of My Youth by Jo Ann Beard Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay Within the Whirlwind by Evgenia Ginzburg The Flamethrowers